Soil Maintenance Practices and Logging

soil erosion prevention

While not always necessary, when logging steep grades and inclines, certain simple practices should be employed to ensure the integrity of the soil once logging timber has been completed.

Our company implements the latest methods in soil preservation both during and after logging. Read more »

Ash Tree Removal

Healthy ash tree

Standing Ash is quickly becoming extinct across the North American forest. As the Emerald Ash Borer moves through the region, the devastation is apparent from the ded tops visible in the now lush green canopy. In addition to being an eye sore, these trees are rapidly losing their commercial value and pose a serious safety risk. Read more »

Selling Pipeline and Power Line Timber

pipeline timber clearing right of way

Whether its cut for a power line or as part of the huge natural gas infrastructure project taking place in northeast Ohio and western Pennsylvania, trees left behind by land clearing contractors can be surprisingly valuable. Give Timber Works a call for a no hassle assessment of the log pile left behind on your property! Read more »

Bad Trees Make Bad Seeds

colorful foliage of deciduous trees in autumn

While there are many possible objectives to consider when harvesting a tract of timber, stand improvement is among the most important. At Timber Works, we know that bad trees produce genetically flawed seeds and therefore lower quality trees. Harvesting high value timber is essential to the success of any harvesting operation but it is often just as important to remove some poorer quality trees to ensure the overall quality of a stand improves over time. Read more »

Hardwood Timber Price Market Report 2014

ohio woods with pond in foreground

As the American economy gains momentum, the recovery of hardwood timber prices continued through 2013.

Further, there is a great deal of evidence to expect a strong timber market to continue into 2014 as US housing starts hit levels not seen in over 6 years. Read more »

Logging Equipment and Processes Part 2

old fashioned logging practices

There are numerous methods employed when harvesting standing timber. Each method of harvest is best suited to a specific range of forest management goals and land use plans, so determining how to harvest a tract of timber has direct consequences on the future of your forest. Read more »

Logging Equipment and Processes Part 1

john deere log skidder in action

The equipment, workflow and equipment utilized by whatever logging company you choose to harvest your standing timber will have direct influences on the condition in which your timber land is left. While clear cuts are acceptable to many large forest-management plans, they are inappropriate to smaller land owners almost every time. We advocate selective, mixed-age siviculture to properly manage a forest. Read more »

Selling Your Timber Without Regrets

tall white oak tree in ohio

As a timber owner, educating yourself regarding the harvest process and the ins and outs of conducting a logging job is paramount to ensuring a profitable, equitable timber harvest. While most logging companies are honest and capable, some attempt to take advantage of land owners through ambiguous or misleading contractual clauses and dishonest language. Arm yourself with knowledge to ensure your timber harvest is successful! Read more »

Ash Timber Prices Improve

pre-blight ash tree standing along road

Ash trees have suffered a decline in there value over the past several years. This decline has been driven largely by the supply glut created from pre-emptive harvesting in hopes of removing the trees before they are lost to the Emerald Ash Borer invasive beetle. Read more »