Ash Tree Removal

Healthy ash tree

The Emerald Ash Borer continues to devastate Ohio and surrounding states, killing a significant portion of North America’s Ash population. This growing threat makes ash tree removal increasingly crucial. With the forest canopy now green and lush, spotting these dead Ash trees has become much easier.

The mortality rate is nearly 100%. It is likely that within the decade, Ash will no longer be present in the North American forest.

The borer, an invasive species of beetle introduced by Asian timber imports, overwinters in the cambium of members of the North American Ash genus. All species within this genus—most prominently White Ash, Green Ash, Blue Ash and Black Ash—are all highly susceptible to the effects of the insect.

Ash Tree Removal

Ash Tree Removal

Ash Tree Removal

In the southern part of Ohio and nearby southern, southeastern, and southwestern states, the damage remains less severe than in the North. However, in Michigan and northern Ohio, Ash trees have lost most of their commercial value and are rapidly turning into safety hazards.

Once these trees die completely, they start to biodegrade like any other dead tree in a timber stand. As the tree breaks down, its limbs fall, and eventually, the entire tree topples. If you own timber in the Ohio region, you likely have substantial Ash timber.

Being Proactive About Emerald Ash Borer

There are a number of benefits to being proactive about the threat of Emerald Ash Borer in your woods.

…by acting fast, you ensure your Ash is harvested before its commercial value has been completely wiped out by the borer.
First, when a tree is felled by a professional timber cutter, like those employed by Timber Works, there is a great degree of accuracy in directing the tree towards a particular location.



Our timber cutters skillfully fell Ash trees in directions that minimize damage to healthy or valuable trees. If left alone, storms will likely blow these dead trees over in the direction of the wind. Acting quickly allows you to harvest your Ash timber before the borer completely destroys its commercial value. While Ash is not the most valuable hardwood, prices for standing Ash timber and cut Ash lumber have risen and will likely continue to increase as supplies dwindle further.

Ash Tree Removal

Finally, by removing these Ash trees before nature takes its course, you reduce the safety hazard posed by falling limbs and debris from high elevations. Dead limbs falling is one of the single most significant dangers in a woods. Referred to as widow-makers in the logging industry, each year falling limbs kill dozens of people including loggers, landowners and outdoor enthusiasts alike.

By removing the dead Ash trees before they progress too far down the path of breakdown, a landowner salvages their value and minimizes the risk of falling limbs, making the woods a safer place to work and play.

If you have Ash that are dead or dying in your woods, give Timber Works a call today. Our expert timber analysts can give you an idea of the number of Ash in your woods, their place in the borer destruction cycle and the value for preemptive harvest.

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